Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

Why I hate x-mas

I know what you're thinking. "What? No movie??" Sorry. Maybe next time.

Anyway, I just had a couple of epiphanies recently, both involving my dad. The first one is indirectly: My aunt sews and does crafts and stuff. My uncle writes and speaks publicly. Therefore, the creativity my mom sees in me and wonders the origins of must come from my dad's side of the family. The genes are just dormant in him. Wait- one more thought on the subject: dad sings! He also plays a couple instruments (guitar and piano). Maybe that's not the most creative of the arts, but music does require both sides of the brain. All this time I thought it just had to come from mom, because she's more fun. Huh. Weird.

Second: the reason I emphatically do not want to have kids. Ever. I NEVER SAW IT DONE THE RIGHT WAY. The nicest thing I could do for a kid is NOT to raise it, because I would make the same mistake my dad did: raise it in sheer ignorance and disregard for it's feelings. (Yes, I like kids so little that I actually refer to them as "it"s.)

Now on to another subject: X-mas. By the way, when did "X" go from sanding for "cross" to standing for "criss"? I know I spelled that wrong- its just how it sounds in the word "x-mas." But every other time "x" stands for a syllable, it's "cross." Railroad x-ing, pedestrian x-ing. So shouldn't it be "crossmas" when written like "x-mas?" But I digress...

Anyway, I'm writing it "x-mas" instead of "christmas" because I HATE X-MAS!!! Tell me anything you like about it, and I'll tell you what sucks about your reason to like it.

Lights? Try hanging them up and taking them down. Now why were they ever up? Because they're pretty? If that's the only reason, why do you have to have them only one time of year? If because they're pretty is the only reason you have them up, then it should be appropriate to have them up and lit all year. But you do this briefly each year, to put a spike in your electric bill and raise your fire hazard by electric malfunction risk dramatically. Now do you have a good reason for your lights?

Tree? Completely retarded. A.) If you can't keep a real plant alive, you shouldn't have one in your care, period. Fake plants are a mistake any time of year. Oh, look! A fake tree! How... nice? B.) Again, if you can't keep a real plant alive... Do you realize you are killing a tree to have its rotting corpse in your living room for the sole purpose of temporary decoration? Also, again a fire hazard, and unless you have an extra den lying around the house, there really isn't room any other time of year, so why put an unneccessary obsticle in your home?

Presents? Multiple things wrong here. A.) Again, you're killing trees for a very temporary asthetical purpose. The wrapping paper. How many thousands of yards are sold each year and thrown away the second they're torn off by eager little hands? How many people actually recycle the wrapping paper? Do you realize that you're buying wrapping paper that is so pretty and decorative that it actually diminishes the thrill of the actual gift? Once the beautiful paper is gone and away from the item, the thing has lost its glittery mystery and therefore has lessened the thrill monumentally. This is why we are all still hoping there are more to open once the last one has been opened. B.) Teaches children that it is perfectly fine and in fact encouraged to expect something for nothing. Supposedly you don't get anything if you've been "bad," but parents never actually stick to this. Children today are mostly COMPLETELY spoiled brats. Spoiling your children actually HURTS them in the long run. Maybe I don't like kids at all, but I still can't stand when people hurt them. My way of being nice to kids is completely steering clear of them. C.) Causes budgets to be streched beyond limits. D.) Searching for "the perfect gift" creates undue heart attack-inducing stress levels, especially on black friday.

Jesus? No, Jesus is not the "reason for the season." The reason for the season is the hemisphere we happen to be in and the tilt of the earth's axis. Period. Jesus was not even born in December, or he would have died. He would have been cold, wet (from just being born), and froze to death. Remember, the story goes that they were practically outdoors. Another problem I have with Jesus in general: he was most definitely not the son of any god. For a baby to be born of only one parent, he would have only one set of genes, and Jesus was certainly not a female. I'll bet Mary sighed with relief when she found out it was a boy, because that kept their cover story in tact. Remember, women were unimportant. Either Joseph was an idiot, or he was in on it with her. What do you think?

Family? I'm sorry, but if x-mas is the only excuse my family could find to spend time with me, I would be insulted. These are the people who claim to love me, and the only reason they could think of to be with me is a fake holiday? That's pretty sad. What's wrong with a family reunion durring the summer? Or just a "Hey, we kinda missed you. Let's get together next weekend?"

Big dinner? PLEASE! Since WHEN do you need an excuse to eat a lot? I know I never need one! Sometimes I make a big dinner just because I feel like making something fancy! Since when is turkey a seasonal animal? Does it only exist on this side of the calander? Where are the turkeys in February? Did they go temporarily extinct?

Now, are there any more arguments? If so, by all means, let me have em.

So glad to get all that out of my system.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Videos :)

Yay! My way awesome bro just showed me how to put vids on here! :) Prepare for a bunch- I love to laugh and share what I've been laughin at with you guys. I'm subscribed to collegehumor on youtube, and they have a LOT of way funny vids :) here's one:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just Watch This, Please.

This video is totally awesome and I agree with every word of it. No, it's not about the election.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


My brother introduced me to a bunch of funny tests... Go figure.

You Are a Colon

You are very orderly and fact driven.

You aren't concerned much with theories or dreams... only what's true or untrue.

You are brilliant and incredibly learned. Anything you know is well researched.

You like to make lists and sort through things step by step. You aren't subject to whim or emotions.

Your friends see you as a constant source of knowledge and advice.

(But they are a little sick of you being right all of the time!)

You excel in: Leadership positions

You get along best with: The Semi-Colon

Your Personality Is Like Acid

A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.

One moment you're in your own little happy universe...

And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell!

At your best: You understand the world completely, and every ordinary experience is sublime.

What people like about being around you: You say and do the craziest things. You're very entertaining.

What people dislike about being around you: You're unpredictable. Your mood swings are quite intense.

How addicted people get to you: They pretty much don't get addicted to you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Another Video... Exhausted on the subject yet?

Yes, I have another video I'd like you to watch. I've recently discovered that I'm kinda passionate about politics lately. Here it is:

It's about the candidates' tax plans. Clear as a bell what the obvious choice should be.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another political video that's easy to follow:

(sorry, don't know how to do links, so just copy/paste it)

NOT MCCAIN FOR PRES!!! WOOHOO!!! GO NOT-MCCAIN!!! Guess that means Obama, but whatever. Go him! Yay!

And an update to the Kiss List, almost forgot:

On a steam train :) yay!

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Future of America!

The future of our country is in our hands, people (however few of you actually read my blog). Please don't throw it away!

Just take a look at this:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Kiss List

I had a hard time sleeping last night, and while I was laying in bed thinking of everything and nothing, I came up with the idea to blog my list of the most romantic places my husband and I have kissed. :) Yay!

In no particular order, here it is:

1: Our first kiss, when we got married, was our first kiss ever, and it's on DVD
2: In a helicopter over Las Vegas
3: 300 feet under the earth's surface, in a coal mine
4: In a rowboat on a lake, surrounded by water lilies, while he rowed
5 + 6: On the beach at sunset, in Santa Monica, and on the boardwalk there at night
7: In a wooded area with deer nearby
8: In the rain
9: Under a full moon
10: In the Stratosphere, above Las Vegas at night
11: Every day before one of us goes to work :)

I love my Sweet Sweet <3

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Shape Update

Okay... Umm... I gained back four of those five pounds I lost... but then I lost them again! Yay? I don't know how I gained them again, or lost them again for that matter. While I was gaining them back, I was going for my walks and trying to eat right. Then, more recently, while they were coming back off, I was sliding back into yummy eating habits... Mmmm, Oreos... :P~

In other news, I got my hair cut! :) It's so cute in a little pony tail. After I went to the salon to get it cut, I went home and decided I wanted bangs, too... Yeah, I did that myself... Now they're a pain in the butt. Great. But they're cute! I think... And the other day, I went to the eye doctor, and got CONTACTS!! :) Yay! I love to see without my glasses :) And I love that I get to buy all the cute accessories now: glasses case for when I'm not using them durring the day, contact case, rewetting drops, solution, and the best part, SUNGLASSES!!! :D The pair I bought is so cute :) they have little flowers on the sides.

I'm such a shopaholic...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Guess What??


Just wanted to let y'all know. Yay!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Take a Hike!

So yesterday and today my hubby and I went on a hike. Yesterday he made it longer by parking on the other side of the lake. And, since it had been a few days since I'd last hiked, I was hating it all the way. I was huffing and puffing, whining, and yes, I even cried. It was hot out, and I was sweating a lot, and I was just very uncomfortable. But, I have the best hubby ever! :) He was there for me the entire time, encouraging me, even when I stopped to cry, and blowing on me to cool me off! Such a Sweetheart! Today I didn't need much prompting to go on the hike. I didn't want a repeat of yesterday, and I know that to avoid that, all I need to do is do it more often! Keep doing it, and eventually, it will get easier. Today it was a LOT cooler out, and there was very little sun, until we got off the trail to go home. I did pretty good today. Hubby even says that I feel a little smaller when he puts his arms around me! That is SUCH good motivation! I love it!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

In (round) Shape

So, after being weighed at the doctor's office about a month ago, I've gradually come to the conclusion that I should change some of my lifestyle habbits. It just hit me (long after the fact) that I'm about 14 lbs away from being FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS! I could barely make it up over the hill that goes out of the appartments. My weight had litterally trapped me, confining me to a very small area of flat land. So, lately, I've been keeping a food journal, just jotting down what I eat every day (don't worry, I won't list the boring details of that here) and going for walks on a beautiful hiking trail not too far from here. The other day, I made it up the hill in my apartment complex without stopping to catch my breath!! WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!! :D I'm awesome! Pretty soon, I'll be able to do it without huffing and puffing the whole way, either! Yay!! I'm so proud. :)

Hope I can keep it up! It feels so good!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Been A While...

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted... So, I had my birthday and reported on that, and then the next day I had my orientation at WalMart. :) Long and boooorrrrriiiiinnnng... Then the day after that I spent all day on their computer doing CBLs, which stands for Computer Based Learning. Just a bunch of stupid tests and stuff to teach you about safety and procedure. Again, another long and boring day, especially since not much of it applied to me because I'm just at the front, as a cashier. Why do I need to know about the stuff that goes on in the back? I don't.

Anyway, today is my first paycheck!! YYYAAAAAAYYYYY!!! I'm only going to have one week's pay on it, because it's my first one, but the next one will have two weeks' worth of pay on it. I hope I made enough this week to keep affording the taxi rides I'm forced into paying for. I swear the bus system around here is SO retarded. Nobody who doesn't drive goes out after 6pm around here? BS. Oh well, a taxi is only $10 per ride (even tho that's a little steep for a 5 minute drive), but Asmund says it's about how much gas would be for the trip if I were driving an SUV. But, of course, the taxis are just sedans. Oh well.

And yes, I do get a discount! 10% on certain things (not sure which things, but some stuff, anyway).

Friday, July 25, 2008


Today was my birthday! :) I turned 25 today. I got exactly what I asked for! I got flowers, a cake, The Book of Counted Sorrows, and a mug from the Pico Mundo Grille (which is a fictitious grille in Dean Koont'z Odd Thomas books). We went on a tour of the Lakawanna coal mines, which are some of the largest in the world. Which means I've now kissed my husband by the ocean at sunset, on a mountain, in a helicopter, and deep under the earth's surface (to mention only the exciting places). Yay! Then we went to TGI's and I had a delicious raspberry cherry something margarita, and a free slice of chocolate peanutbutter pie. :) When we got home, I had a netflix movie waiting that I've been wanting to see, and now I've seen it. The ending left me in suspense for the next movie (which is supposed to be the second in a trilogy). Hopefully they'll make it and not just drop it. I don't think the movie got a good reception... It's The Golden Compass. I enjoyed the concept, but along the way, it kinda lost me the way Lord of the Rings did. It was exciting, sure, if you could get past the fact that it was actually boring... Don't know if that makes sense, but it does in my head. Oh well.

I also start work tomorrow! :) Yay!

I'm 25!! :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Interview Follow-up

So, it's been almost an entire week since I had my drug test. I was starting to get worried, like maybe I peed in the cup wrong... You know, that is a very tricky task for one of my stature. ANYway, I had to go to WalMart anyway to refill my prescription, so I figured instead of calling and asking "what's up" I'd just drop in. So, I waited in the back of the store until finally someone came out and spoke with me. I mentioned that it'd been almost a week since I was sent for the drug test, and she came back and apologized for the delay, but someone was supposed to have been about to make a phone call (or something) and she told me to show up for orientation at 9am on Saturday! :) YAY! This is the second year in a row that I've gotten a job for my birthday :) Both years consecutively started the 26th of July :) (which is the day after my birthday, but close enough).

So I'm an associate now! :) HOPE I GET AN EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Well, hopefully I've acquired at least ONE faithful reader. *Tear* Someone likes me! Anyway, Guess what! I have NEWS!! Well, maybe I have news. Okay, so it's only one "new". I have an interview tomorrow with WalMart! :) I'm so excited. It's the only store I've wanted to work at since I resigned to my fate as a cashier. So, of course, I'm going over how it might go in my head when I get there in the morning, and already I've fucked it up one thousand, four hundred and sixty-eight times. WISH ME LUCK!! No wait! Wait! Wish me BREAK A LEG!! Otherwise, something terrible definitely WILL happen... I'm so nervous! *shuddering*

I'd pray for strength, but... you know... I don't believe in that.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Birthday Comin' Up

Hey, I got a birthday comin up! It's actually my GOLDEN birthday. That's right! I'll be 25 on the 25th. Don't know what I'm doin yet, but it'll be great if EVERYBODY WHO READS THIS SENDS ME SOMETHING. But then, who's reading? Dear reader, if you're out there, Let Me Know! Leave a comment or something, that'd be cool.

Is anybody out there?

Friday, July 11, 2008

My New Blog

Well hello there, dear reader. Who am I kidding? No one's going to read this... I don't even have anything to talk about.

Well, I just moved, and I'm adjusting to life here in PA... Okay, I'm lying. I'm not adjusting, I'm becoming a shut-in. And I'm turning 25 in about 14 days. I don't drive, and therefore can't go anywhere very easily because the bus system here is a JOKE. The punchline is the schedule, if you can figure it out. All I understand is that it doesn't even run on Sundays. So, since I'm stuck in the apartment, I don't have a job, and I'm sitting at home, cooking and cleaning for my husband, which I am happy to do, but other than that I'm starting to go a little stir crazy!
