Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another political video that's easy to follow:

(sorry, don't know how to do links, so just copy/paste it)

NOT MCCAIN FOR PRES!!! WOOHOO!!! GO NOT-MCCAIN!!! Guess that means Obama, but whatever. Go him! Yay!

And an update to the Kiss List, almost forgot:

On a steam train :) yay!

1 comment:

Akir said...

Have you been reading my blog lately (like, in the past few hours :P )? It turns out that I've been ripped off, more or less.

On one hand, I'm infuriated beyond belief. But on the other hand, imatation is the highest form of flattery, so that must mean that I'm good. :P

Also, you should really put up a picture for your profile. It just looks so empty without it.