Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Kiss List

I had a hard time sleeping last night, and while I was laying in bed thinking of everything and nothing, I came up with the idea to blog my list of the most romantic places my husband and I have kissed. :) Yay!

In no particular order, here it is:

1: Our first kiss, when we got married, was our first kiss ever, and it's on DVD
2: In a helicopter over Las Vegas
3: 300 feet under the earth's surface, in a coal mine
4: In a rowboat on a lake, surrounded by water lilies, while he rowed
5 + 6: On the beach at sunset, in Santa Monica, and on the boardwalk there at night
7: In a wooded area with deer nearby
8: In the rain
9: Under a full moon
10: In the Stratosphere, above Las Vegas at night
11: Every day before one of us goes to work :)

I love my Sweet Sweet <3

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