Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Interview Follow-up

So, it's been almost an entire week since I had my drug test. I was starting to get worried, like maybe I peed in the cup wrong... You know, that is a very tricky task for one of my stature. ANYway, I had to go to WalMart anyway to refill my prescription, so I figured instead of calling and asking "what's up" I'd just drop in. So, I waited in the back of the store until finally someone came out and spoke with me. I mentioned that it'd been almost a week since I was sent for the drug test, and she came back and apologized for the delay, but someone was supposed to have been about to make a phone call (or something) and she told me to show up for orientation at 9am on Saturday! :) YAY! This is the second year in a row that I've gotten a job for my birthday :) Both years consecutively started the 26th of July :) (which is the day after my birthday, but close enough).

So I'm an associate now! :) HOPE I GET AN EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT!!!

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