Friday, July 25, 2008


Today was my birthday! :) I turned 25 today. I got exactly what I asked for! I got flowers, a cake, The Book of Counted Sorrows, and a mug from the Pico Mundo Grille (which is a fictitious grille in Dean Koont'z Odd Thomas books). We went on a tour of the Lakawanna coal mines, which are some of the largest in the world. Which means I've now kissed my husband by the ocean at sunset, on a mountain, in a helicopter, and deep under the earth's surface (to mention only the exciting places). Yay! Then we went to TGI's and I had a delicious raspberry cherry something margarita, and a free slice of chocolate peanutbutter pie. :) When we got home, I had a netflix movie waiting that I've been wanting to see, and now I've seen it. The ending left me in suspense for the next movie (which is supposed to be the second in a trilogy). Hopefully they'll make it and not just drop it. I don't think the movie got a good reception... It's The Golden Compass. I enjoyed the concept, but along the way, it kinda lost me the way Lord of the Rings did. It was exciting, sure, if you could get past the fact that it was actually boring... Don't know if that makes sense, but it does in my head. Oh well.

I also start work tomorrow! :) Yay!

I'm 25!! :)

1 comment:

Akir said...

Stop having a fun life! Please....

I have been soooooooooooo bored. There's just nothing to do here that seems fun anymore. I think I'm getting muscular atrophy.

I just need a hug! (>'.')>