Thursday, August 7, 2008

Been A While...

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted... So, I had my birthday and reported on that, and then the next day I had my orientation at WalMart. :) Long and boooorrrrriiiiinnnng... Then the day after that I spent all day on their computer doing CBLs, which stands for Computer Based Learning. Just a bunch of stupid tests and stuff to teach you about safety and procedure. Again, another long and boring day, especially since not much of it applied to me because I'm just at the front, as a cashier. Why do I need to know about the stuff that goes on in the back? I don't.

Anyway, today is my first paycheck!! YYYAAAAAAYYYYY!!! I'm only going to have one week's pay on it, because it's my first one, but the next one will have two weeks' worth of pay on it. I hope I made enough this week to keep affording the taxi rides I'm forced into paying for. I swear the bus system around here is SO retarded. Nobody who doesn't drive goes out after 6pm around here? BS. Oh well, a taxi is only $10 per ride (even tho that's a little steep for a 5 minute drive), but Asmund says it's about how much gas would be for the trip if I were driving an SUV. But, of course, the taxis are just sedans. Oh well.

And yes, I do get a discount! 10% on certain things (not sure which things, but some stuff, anyway).

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