Friday, December 5, 2008

Why I hate x-mas

I know what you're thinking. "What? No movie??" Sorry. Maybe next time.

Anyway, I just had a couple of epiphanies recently, both involving my dad. The first one is indirectly: My aunt sews and does crafts and stuff. My uncle writes and speaks publicly. Therefore, the creativity my mom sees in me and wonders the origins of must come from my dad's side of the family. The genes are just dormant in him. Wait- one more thought on the subject: dad sings! He also plays a couple instruments (guitar and piano). Maybe that's not the most creative of the arts, but music does require both sides of the brain. All this time I thought it just had to come from mom, because she's more fun. Huh. Weird.

Second: the reason I emphatically do not want to have kids. Ever. I NEVER SAW IT DONE THE RIGHT WAY. The nicest thing I could do for a kid is NOT to raise it, because I would make the same mistake my dad did: raise it in sheer ignorance and disregard for it's feelings. (Yes, I like kids so little that I actually refer to them as "it"s.)

Now on to another subject: X-mas. By the way, when did "X" go from sanding for "cross" to standing for "criss"? I know I spelled that wrong- its just how it sounds in the word "x-mas." But every other time "x" stands for a syllable, it's "cross." Railroad x-ing, pedestrian x-ing. So shouldn't it be "crossmas" when written like "x-mas?" But I digress...

Anyway, I'm writing it "x-mas" instead of "christmas" because I HATE X-MAS!!! Tell me anything you like about it, and I'll tell you what sucks about your reason to like it.

Lights? Try hanging them up and taking them down. Now why were they ever up? Because they're pretty? If that's the only reason, why do you have to have them only one time of year? If because they're pretty is the only reason you have them up, then it should be appropriate to have them up and lit all year. But you do this briefly each year, to put a spike in your electric bill and raise your fire hazard by electric malfunction risk dramatically. Now do you have a good reason for your lights?

Tree? Completely retarded. A.) If you can't keep a real plant alive, you shouldn't have one in your care, period. Fake plants are a mistake any time of year. Oh, look! A fake tree! How... nice? B.) Again, if you can't keep a real plant alive... Do you realize you are killing a tree to have its rotting corpse in your living room for the sole purpose of temporary decoration? Also, again a fire hazard, and unless you have an extra den lying around the house, there really isn't room any other time of year, so why put an unneccessary obsticle in your home?

Presents? Multiple things wrong here. A.) Again, you're killing trees for a very temporary asthetical purpose. The wrapping paper. How many thousands of yards are sold each year and thrown away the second they're torn off by eager little hands? How many people actually recycle the wrapping paper? Do you realize that you're buying wrapping paper that is so pretty and decorative that it actually diminishes the thrill of the actual gift? Once the beautiful paper is gone and away from the item, the thing has lost its glittery mystery and therefore has lessened the thrill monumentally. This is why we are all still hoping there are more to open once the last one has been opened. B.) Teaches children that it is perfectly fine and in fact encouraged to expect something for nothing. Supposedly you don't get anything if you've been "bad," but parents never actually stick to this. Children today are mostly COMPLETELY spoiled brats. Spoiling your children actually HURTS them in the long run. Maybe I don't like kids at all, but I still can't stand when people hurt them. My way of being nice to kids is completely steering clear of them. C.) Causes budgets to be streched beyond limits. D.) Searching for "the perfect gift" creates undue heart attack-inducing stress levels, especially on black friday.

Jesus? No, Jesus is not the "reason for the season." The reason for the season is the hemisphere we happen to be in and the tilt of the earth's axis. Period. Jesus was not even born in December, or he would have died. He would have been cold, wet (from just being born), and froze to death. Remember, the story goes that they were practically outdoors. Another problem I have with Jesus in general: he was most definitely not the son of any god. For a baby to be born of only one parent, he would have only one set of genes, and Jesus was certainly not a female. I'll bet Mary sighed with relief when she found out it was a boy, because that kept their cover story in tact. Remember, women were unimportant. Either Joseph was an idiot, or he was in on it with her. What do you think?

Family? I'm sorry, but if x-mas is the only excuse my family could find to spend time with me, I would be insulted. These are the people who claim to love me, and the only reason they could think of to be with me is a fake holiday? That's pretty sad. What's wrong with a family reunion durring the summer? Or just a "Hey, we kinda missed you. Let's get together next weekend?"

Big dinner? PLEASE! Since WHEN do you need an excuse to eat a lot? I know I never need one! Sometimes I make a big dinner just because I feel like making something fancy! Since when is turkey a seasonal animal? Does it only exist on this side of the calander? Where are the turkeys in February? Did they go temporarily extinct?

Now, are there any more arguments? If so, by all means, let me have em.

So glad to get all that out of my system.

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