Saturday, September 13, 2008

Shape Update

Okay... Umm... I gained back four of those five pounds I lost... but then I lost them again! Yay? I don't know how I gained them again, or lost them again for that matter. While I was gaining them back, I was going for my walks and trying to eat right. Then, more recently, while they were coming back off, I was sliding back into yummy eating habits... Mmmm, Oreos... :P~

In other news, I got my hair cut! :) It's so cute in a little pony tail. After I went to the salon to get it cut, I went home and decided I wanted bangs, too... Yeah, I did that myself... Now they're a pain in the butt. Great. But they're cute! I think... And the other day, I went to the eye doctor, and got CONTACTS!! :) Yay! I love to see without my glasses :) And I love that I get to buy all the cute accessories now: glasses case for when I'm not using them durring the day, contact case, rewetting drops, solution, and the best part, SUNGLASSES!!! :D The pair I bought is so cute :) they have little flowers on the sides.

I'm such a shopaholic...

1 comment:

Akir said...

Drink water. That is all I will say. :P