Sunday, July 13, 2008

Birthday Comin' Up

Hey, I got a birthday comin up! It's actually my GOLDEN birthday. That's right! I'll be 25 on the 25th. Don't know what I'm doin yet, but it'll be great if EVERYBODY WHO READS THIS SENDS ME SOMETHING. But then, who's reading? Dear reader, if you're out there, Let Me Know! Leave a comment or something, that'd be cool.

Is anybody out there?

1 comment:

Akir said...

You're lucky that I happened to be bored enough to go and check your blog for updates.

Unfortunately for me, I still don't have a job, therefore, I have no money, therefore, you're giftless....

I know! I'll cast one of my own spells. I hereby bless you with beauty and success!