Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another political video that's easy to follow:

(sorry, don't know how to do links, so just copy/paste it)

NOT MCCAIN FOR PRES!!! WOOHOO!!! GO NOT-MCCAIN!!! Guess that means Obama, but whatever. Go him! Yay!

And an update to the Kiss List, almost forgot:

On a steam train :) yay!

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Future of America!

The future of our country is in our hands, people (however few of you actually read my blog). Please don't throw it away!

Just take a look at this:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Kiss List

I had a hard time sleeping last night, and while I was laying in bed thinking of everything and nothing, I came up with the idea to blog my list of the most romantic places my husband and I have kissed. :) Yay!

In no particular order, here it is:

1: Our first kiss, when we got married, was our first kiss ever, and it's on DVD
2: In a helicopter over Las Vegas
3: 300 feet under the earth's surface, in a coal mine
4: In a rowboat on a lake, surrounded by water lilies, while he rowed
5 + 6: On the beach at sunset, in Santa Monica, and on the boardwalk there at night
7: In a wooded area with deer nearby
8: In the rain
9: Under a full moon
10: In the Stratosphere, above Las Vegas at night
11: Every day before one of us goes to work :)

I love my Sweet Sweet <3

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Shape Update

Okay... Umm... I gained back four of those five pounds I lost... but then I lost them again! Yay? I don't know how I gained them again, or lost them again for that matter. While I was gaining them back, I was going for my walks and trying to eat right. Then, more recently, while they were coming back off, I was sliding back into yummy eating habits... Mmmm, Oreos... :P~

In other news, I got my hair cut! :) It's so cute in a little pony tail. After I went to the salon to get it cut, I went home and decided I wanted bangs, too... Yeah, I did that myself... Now they're a pain in the butt. Great. But they're cute! I think... And the other day, I went to the eye doctor, and got CONTACTS!! :) Yay! I love to see without my glasses :) And I love that I get to buy all the cute accessories now: glasses case for when I'm not using them durring the day, contact case, rewetting drops, solution, and the best part, SUNGLASSES!!! :D The pair I bought is so cute :) they have little flowers on the sides.

I'm such a shopaholic...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Guess What??


Just wanted to let y'all know. Yay!